Would You Like A Report Card For Your Business?
I was one of those individuals who actually enjoyed school. I liked the structure of learning. There was an order to everything. There was time allotted for different subjects. I knew when I was going to be studying what. There was a way to measure my progress. Every day I would work at learning. Periodically there would be test that would gauge my mastery of the subject matter. If I got a bad grade on a test, I knew that I had come up short. This meant I would have to double down on my homework and make sure that I studied harder. At the end of each semester I would get a report card that would tell me whether I had done a good job in each of my classes. Usually, there were not a lot of surprises when I got my report card. I had been tracking my grades throughout the semester and I had a pretty good idea what the grade in each subject would be. When you’re running a business you also have a report card. One of the purposes of a business is to earn profit for the owners of the business. I would make…