The Goal Formula
Goals are an important facet of making progress in life. I’ve talked with a lot of times and I find that sometimes people talk about their goals, but they are not really talking about their goals. They are talking about wishes. When I hear someone make a wish it sounds something like this. I want to grow my business. I want to make more money. I want to take more time off. I want to improve the relationship with my son or daughter. I want to have a better marriage. The problem with these “goals” is they are not goals. Let’s deconstruct one of these wishes and see where the problems are. I want to grow my business. Here are the problems I see with this wish: There is no measurable criteria in this wish. How is one to know when the the business is grown? Am I looking to grow sales? Am I looking to grow profit? Am I looking to increase my market share? What exactly is my objective? There is no deadline in this wish. It does not give one a timetable to work on. Without a deadline, once could wait 30 years to reach the wish….