Why is My Business not Growing?
Why is my business not growing?
The simple answer, the only answer is because you don’t want it to grow.
One of the most gratifying things I see in my line is work is a business owner who starts their business from scratch and grows the business to earn finances to achieve their goals and dreams. It is one on the most beautiful things about America that we have the opportunity to build a life that we want.
One of my first clients started her business in January and by December they had revenues of ~$950,000. She built a million dollar business in the space of a year. What makes this even more remarkable is that she accomplished this in 2008 at the beginning of the Great Recession.
It was truly inspiring to see and has inspired me ever since.
What the difference between a business with exceptional growth and a business that just peters along.
The difference is the business owner that grows is focused on growth. Growth is the number on priority. They make sure that they are doing the activities that generate growth. They are hustling daily to present their product and services to their ideal customer.
They have a marketing and sales program in place and they structure their business for growth. They have a plan for growth and they keep track of key activities and indicators that indicate their success and failure with growth.
Growth can be chaotic. Growth can be scary. Growth can be messy. You will experience failure along the way. As long as you use the failures to improve your activities for the future, you can know your failures are not in vain.
Persistence and consistency are key.